About Us

We are members of

Our Story

We are a friendly club with children and adult students, dedicated to teaching the true philosophy of Taekwon-Do as taught by the founder General Choi Hong Hi. We are the only ITF Taekwon-Do school in Hobart and we have classes 3 nights a week. We are only 5 mins from Hobart CBD at The Buckingham Bowls Club on Main Road Netown heading north from Hobart.

Our Team

Steve Weston

Eighth Degree Black Belt

Steve Weston, is the 8th degree black belt Master Instructor/Examiner of Southern ITF Taekwon-Do. He has been teaching Taekwon-Do for over 35 years. Apart from his professional qualifications as a medical scientist and science teacher he has also completed courses in fitness instruction, coaching and first aid. He is the chair of the international umpire committee of ITF HQ Korea. He is also the Secretary of the Australasian Martial Arts Hall of Fame.

Wayne Fehlberg

5th Degree Black Belt

Wayne Fehlberg is a fifth Degree Instructor who has competed with distinction in National and International competition and has participated in Seminars on coaching and technique with Senior International Instructors and Master Instructors. He has been involved in a number of martial arts in his life and brings these additional skills to the training of students at Southern ITF Taekwon-Do. He has been instructing his own class for several years and attracts a group of students that enjoy his additional teaching skills. He has recently completed a term in the role of President of ITF Taekwon-Do Tasmania.

Erik Holland

5th Degree Black Belt

Erik Holland is a fifth degree Instructor who recently won the Patterns division in the ITF Taekwon-do Tasmanian Championships. Since joining Southern ITF Taekwon-Do as a first degree black belt from Rhee Taekwon-Do he has attended many International Instructor courses and regularly attends workshops run by the Tasmanian Martial Arts Council that have increased his skill base. His progression to fifth degree black belt has been rapid as a result of his dedication to learning and training. He is a very capable Instructor who attends most classes and has recently taken on the mantle of filling in for Master Weston when his international obligations take him away.

Claudio Saya

2nd Degree black belt

Claudio began his training in ITF taekwon-Do from a very early age in his homeland of Argentina but life circumstances denied him the opportunity to test for his black belt. His Master Instructor in Argentina (Jorge Rogers) is a good friend of Master Weston and they worked closely at a number of events in Argentina, this connection was definitley a factor for Claudio to become part of Southern ITF Taekwon-Do. He joined us in January of 2022 and rapidly became a very valuable member of the team. He has trained in several other Martial arts over his lifetime and brings a wealth of knowledge and life experience to the school. Claudio assists with many of the childrens classes and in particular works closely with his young daughter who is also a member of the school. He tested for his 2nd degree in October 2024 and provided an outstanding performance.

children of the mountain

children of the mountain

We support Children of the Mountain: Children of the Mountain was founded in 2009 by Irishman John Matthews.

During a visit to a remote village in the district of Ghorka, John encountered what he thought was a derelict shed for animals, it was in fact Maitum Primary school. The building was unsafe with dismal dark classrooms void of any colour or materials. John rebuilt the school providing bright and colourful classrooms and committed himself to helping other children facing similar conditions.

Since this first visit, John and his team have built seventeen primary schools, opened thirty pre-schools and thirty unique ‘learn as you play’ classrooms. Our programs now include Primary Schools, Kindergartens, Libraries, Computer labs and Dual language literacy and numeracy programs.

Our aim is to support the poorest children in rural and urban Nepal, providing them with opportunity through access to education and personal development. We actively campaign against gender and caste bias and promote education as a practical alternative to rampant child labour. We advocate for investment and directly invest in child centred education as a critical and effective tool in the fight against extreme poverty in rural hill communities.

Disclaimer. Children of the Mountain UK is registered with the UK charities commission and has no legal relationship with any organisation using our name outside the UK.
